Reframing Perfectionism with L’Oreal Thompson Payton

We're joined by author L'Oreal Thompson Payton to reframe all things perfectionism — breaking streaks, embracing shitty first drafts, or learning to stop waiting for the right moment. We take a hard look at how our own perfectionist tendencies show up in ourselves, where this pressure comes from, and how it impacts others. L'Oreal also treats us to insights on her own practice as a writer, struggles with fertility and postpartum feelings, and the non-linear path she has followed towards success.

L'Oreal Thompson Payton is a Chicago-based lifestyle and wellness writer, motivational speaker, and author. Her work has appeared in publications like Fortune, Bitch, Bustle, SELF, Shondaland, Well + Good, and ZORA. Stop Waiting for Perfect: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Power releases this August.

Stop Waiting for Perfect
The Self-Compassion Test
Check out L'Oreal's website for more of her writing, and follow her on Instagram and Twitter