Nat and Bec have one of their usual rambling conversations.
They discuss the romanticized version of a mentor who is there to teach
you all the tricks and walk with you forever, but how that’s next to
impossible to find. Bec appreciates gleaning from people’s lives who are
different and how that expands her. Nat admits to still wanting someone
to swoop in and be a career mentor, especially after having had some
really wounding mentorship experiences. The book of Job comes into the
conversation and how they have learned from negative experiences. They
recognize that mentorship can feel like a really big ask as it requires
vulnerability on both sides. Bec brings up the idea of lateral
mentorship, where guidance comes from people right beside you. Note:
There is a Season 2 Ted Lasso spoiler. The Plus-Minus-Equals concept
comes from James Altucher.