Reframing Divorce with Miranda Hassell (Episode 32)

Nat joins Miranda Hassell in a two-for-one episode of Sister On! and The Big D on reframing divorce. How can we put this painful process in a new light and learn to choose ourselves over relationships? Take in our breakup stories (because who doesn't like a little drama?), the ways we reframe our experiences of divorce, and what comes after the papers are signed. We also get into video games as healing tools, the gifts we decide to give our exes, and insights from strangers in unexpected places.

The Fantasy of Healing by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal (the article from The Cut about divorce and video games Nat mentions)
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About The Big D:
If you’ve ever been in love, and ever broken up, this podcast is for you. Younger generations aren’t approaching marriage in a traditional way, so why should we approach divorce in a traditional way? This podcast is a combination of honest stories about real relationships — and interviews with experts, some you might guess like a therapist, lawyer, financial advisor, and some surprises like a chef and meditation guide. It is practical, political, personal. It’s a serious topic, with a not-so-serious host.